Late-ripening cabbage KOLOBOK F1
Late ripening hybrid, high yielding,excellent storage and shipping qualities
Kolobok F1 - Late ripening hybrid. It forms head in 115-125 days after transplanting. Round-shaped heads have high density and weight between 2-3 kg with a short inner core. They have green coloring but in a cross section they are white. Compact plant can't be infected by stump rot of cabbage, blossom blight and white mold, it has resistance to fusarium blight and black rot. Plants are cultivated in direct or indirect sowing. The age of the plants during transplanting can't be more than 30-35 days. They are planting out cabbages by using band planting and next scheme 90+50 x 40 cm. Plant population is 35-40 thousand plants per hectare. It is suitable for long storage (6-8 months). In the period of storage it isn't infected by focal necrosis. It characterized by high morphological and biological homogeneity of plants. The yield is 70-110 t/ha. This variety is all-purpose.