radish seeds Nasko
Garden radish
Another names:
- Green radish Raphanus Sativus L. convar lobo
- Brassicaceae (Crucifers)
Green radish is one of garden radish,variety. As daikon it came to Ukraine from Japan and as daikon it is more popular than garden radish (bitter radish). Radish roots are rich in vitamins of B and PP groups, ascorbic acid, carotene and amino acids. Great value has its content of carbohydrate, mineral salt, nitrogenous matter, cellulose, essential oil ( less than in bitter radish), different biological substances, ferments. Roots can be consumed as fresh, salted, you can add leaves of young radish to salads. Roots of green radish are firm, juicy, mid-flavor. Storage qualities of green-radish are better than daikon. Roots can be round and longish and have different colour such as light-green, dark-green, pink-red and lilac-violet. Radish gives an appetite, activate laxation. Thanks to that fact that green radish almost hasn't glycosides and mustard oil that make fruit bitter and flavor, old people can consume it without having problems with heart or liver.