Tomato ORFEI F1
Ultra-early ripening, marketability, uniformity
Orfei F1 - Ultra-early ripening hybrid. The period from sprouting to fruit ripening is 80-85 days. Determinate plant type, mid-leafed in a height of 50-60 cm. Simple inflorescence with 5-6 fruits that are firm, big, smooth, they have flat-round shape and bright red colour without green spot near fruit-stalk. The average weight is 120-130 g. The yield at the open ground is 80-100 t/ha and in the green-houses is 12-15 kg/m2. Planting system depends on the irrigation system and soil type. Recommended planting system with using drop irrigation is 120+60 x 30-32 cm. The amount of plants in this scheme is 33,5-35 thousand plants per hectare. If you use another irrigation system then the next scheme should be used 70x35 cm or 90x30 cm. Hybrid is resistant to tomato mosaic virus, bacterial blight, Alternaria blight. It is valuable for it's ultra-early ripening, high uniformity and marketability of fruits, excellent eating qualities.